Tuesday, June 28, 2016


this is karrablast I think he is one ash' s poke'mon


hi this chespin he is one of ash 's poke'mon. that is all I want say.

Monday, June 27, 2016


this is scrafty he does  25'00 machin gun headbutt  30 is low kick. his HP is 90 as you can see

Porygon 2`

this is porygon'2 as you can see. so he does 900 that is it 's if you know time's. the other attack is 20 and know as sharpen.


This is Frillish. She does confuse Ray. As you can see she has 70 health and the Confuse Ray confuses other pokemon.


Hello, this Tranquill as you can see.  I think he belongs with a guy named Ash in Pokemon if you don't know.  He has evolved from Pidove.
He has 80 health.  His damage is 40 and it's called Fly.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Luxray Break

This is Luxray as you can see.  He is only attack is Wild Fury. He is an electric type pokemon. He has 170 Health.  As you can see from the card.